Have you noticed how many different types of “milks” there are to choose from these days? And I say “milk” because more than half of the options available aren’t even proper milk (I mean how exactly...

I Can Do It Myself
“If you show me – I see, if you tell me - I hear, If I do - understand!” From an early age, a child’s search for independence is energised by the desire to make things happen and to feel capable and...
Motor Milestones
Gross motor skills are those which require whole body movement and which involve core stabilising muscles of the body to perform everyday functions, such as standing and walking, running and...
Finger Painting and other Creative Endeavours
Finger painting is great for young children's development! Giving children opportunities to paint with their fingers helps them develop their fine motor skills and encourages them to be creative....
Colic in Babies – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Colic: the five-letter word that is enough to bring any parent to tears (or exhausted sobbing in the corner of a room). It is amazing, when we are pregnant, we don’t (usually) care what the sex of...
Encourage your Children to be Active
Let’s face it, growing up today is a completely different ball game to when you were young. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your late 20s or 30s and coming to grips with parenthood for the first...
Imaginary Play Equips Our Children for the Future
From around 14 months of age, you will notice that your toddler is starting to imitate roles that they see play out in your home. For example, while you are feeding them, they also want a spoon and...
Encourage Imagination at Every Stage of a Child’s Life
Activities that encourage imagination play a vital role in childhood development at all stages. From birth, children are constantly learning about the world. While senses such as touch, smell,...
Three Simple Parenting Solutions for 2022
What's on your New Year's resolutions list? If you're a parent, perhaps your goal is to spend more quality time with your children, be more consistent in your rule-setting, be more patient, listen...
Feeding your Kids a Variety of Different Foods
Getting your children to eat a variety of foods is important because every single food group and each food within that food group gives your child different micro-and macronutrients. No two food items provide the exact same nutrients, and therefore it is important to eat an assortment of foods.
Sand Play with Homemade Tools
Sand play offers many opportunities for sensory exploration and also encourages children to use their imagination and move their muscles. In this Clamber Club infographic, we share easy ideas of how to play in the sandpit with homemade tools and extend that play-based learning.
15 Great Tips for Potty Training
Most toddlers don’t start potty training until after the age of 2. At the age of 2 often toddlers have an understanding to hold their bladder and show they need to use the bathroom. Some toddlers...
Creative and Explorative Play
Pre-schoolers' like to be spontaneous in their creative play, so it’s good to follow your child’s lead. But there’ll also be times when your child wants you to be more involved in her creative...
Finding Your Work / Life Balance as a Parent
A Definition of Balance: an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. These days we are so busy having to juggle work, running a business, creating a...
The Sense of Smell
Our sense of smell may be the most undervalued of our five basic senses. Nonetheless, the ability to smell is important, as it is closely linked to our ability to taste. Smells can also evoke particular memories, and smells can calm or excite us.
We’ve been writing about all of the different sensory systems and why this is such an important part of early childhood development. Up next is the sense of smell – or the olfactory perception. In this blog, we’ve rounded up great activities for kids that will put those little noses right to work!
A Healthy and Nutritious Lunchbox
There are many things to think about when preparing school lunches - nutrition, taste, portion size, cost and, of course, enjoyment. Among the morning madness and afterschool activities, it can be...
Why are Play Dates Important?
First friendships teach children important social skills such as sharing, manners, and co-operation. When helping your child choose friends for a playdate, consider the following points: Age -...
Let’s Play!
Play is a simple joy that is a cherished part of childhood Happy times never end when we’re playing and pretending! Benefits of Play Never underestimate the value of play. Children learn and...