Did you know that your pre-schooler possesses an amazing talent for coordinating both sides of their body? This skill, known as bilateral integration, is crucial for their early development as it helps improve motor skills, coordination, and overall functionality.

The ABCs of Positive Discipline
The journey of parenting can be like a roller coaster ride with many ups, downs, and thrills along the way. For many parents, one of the most daunting and challenging tasks of raising a child is the implementation of discipline.
Mastering Balance
Balancing is more than just staying upright; it’s a fundamental skill that opens up a world of exploration for children. The vestibular system, located in the inner ear, acts as their personal GPS, guiding them through movements big and small.
The Value of Unstructured Play
There are many types of play for children, and they all have their importance. Structured play allows children to learn rules, routines, and social skills under the guidance of an adult. Free play, on the other hand, is about unstructured playtime where the adult’s role changes to be supportive and led by the child.
Building Creative Minds: Nurture Your Child’s Imagination
Why having a vivid imagination is good – and how you can develop your child’s creative thinking. Many of us can probably admit to using the well-worn excuse, “I’m just not the creative type” in...
Promote Body Awareness By Playing Dress-Up with Your Kids
Body awareness is an important part of the child development process. This concept can seem more hidden and less obvious than other milestones children meet in the early years. In this blog, you can find out what this ability entails and how you can help your child develop it by playing dress-up with them. Enjoy.
Teach Your Children Independence
Fostering independence helps children to become aware of their abilities, to learn new skills, to practice patience and concentration, to experience a sense of achievement and to develop a positive self-esteem. Here are some useful tips to follow in both the school and home environment.
Why is Crossing the Midline Important?
Crossing the midline is connected to body awareness, core stability, and trunk rotation, and also aids in the development of bilateral coordination – both sides of the body effectively working together.
Smart Strategies for Franchise Owners
Owning a franchise can be an exciting entrepreneurial journey, but it’s not without its share of challenges. One of the key areas that franchise owners need to master is managing finances effectively. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your financial game, these strategies will help you overcome common business hurdles and pave the way for long-term success.
Why Routines Matter!
The simplest way to make a household run smoothly is to establish a consistent routine. And while predictability might sound rigid and boring to adults, your children will thrive on it.
Learning to Emotionally Regulate is Key
Self-regulation is the ability for us to manage our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Particularly in young children, instead of becoming overwhelmed and reactive, we need to teach them to become aware of the experience and make choices around how they can respond.
Teaching Children How to Balance
In the playful world of pre-schoolers, mastering the art of physical balance is not just about preventing tumbles on the playground. It’s a crucial skill that sets the stage for a lifetime of success.
x5 Reasons Why Play Is Important
Young children can develop many skills through the power of play. They may develop their language skills, emotions, creativity, and social skills. Play helps to nurture imagination and give a child a sense of adventure. Through this, they can learn essential skills such as problem solving, working with others.
Healthy Food for Kids
Tim Spector (a professor of genetic epidemiology with subspecialties in the microbiome and diet), advocates for an intake of 30 DIFFERENT types of fruit and veg per week in order to optimize our gut health. 30 sounds like a crazy amount doesn’t it? But when you think about it, this includes not only your typical fruit and veg, but also nuts, seeds, grains, herbs, and spices.
Why Buying a Franchise is a Good Idea
Let’s explore some of the advantages of owning a franchise, and how they can help set franchisees on a path to success.
Cooking With Your Kids
Cooking or baking with your children is a great way to spend more time with them and to share and enjoy the responsibility of cooking for the entire family.
Active Kids Are Healthy Kids
Encouraging children to be physically active has always been a daunting task if they decide to dig their heels in, cross their arms and refuse to take part. But what new challenges does this strange new world pose?
How to Raise a Happy Child
Explore seven practical steps you can take to raise a child who will make a real difference in the world. Seven steps to help your child feel happy and able and achieve success in life.