Proprioception refers to the body’s ability to sense its position, movement, and actions in space. This sensory information is derived from receptors located in muscles, tendons, and joints, providing the brain with feedback about the body’s internal state.

Eye-Hand Coordination Games: Water Bottle Skittles
Eye-hand coordination is a crucial ability that lies at the core of many academic, sports, and life skills. It is a vital skill for school success because it allows children to use their vision and muscles to perform tasks such as writing, drawing, tying shoelaces, or catching a ball. In this blog, we’ll show a how to play water bottle skittles and other fun eye-hand coordination games.
x10 Rough & Tumble Games
Rough and tumble play stimulates the balance receptors and promotes a child’s use of protective reactions. Read more about how playing in this way can be invigorating and fun.
The Importance of Free Play for Preschoolers
There are many types of play for children, and they all have their importance. Structured play allows children to learn rules, routines, and social skills under the guidance of an adult. Free...
The Importance of Outdoor Play
Outdoor play is an important part of childhood. It’s exciting to see children in their natural environment – exploring their surroundings, being curious about what’s around them and finding joy in...
How to Develop Spatial Awareness
Remember that moment at the first mini soccer match, when your four-year old tries to kick the ball…only to miss it completely? (And you think, how did he manage to do that?). Or when you throw a...
The Power of Loose Parts Play in Early Childhood Development
As early childhood educators and parents, we are always looking for ways to stimulate and engage our toddlers in age-appropriate and active learning. Loose parts play is a wonderful ideology that...
Child-Led Play – The How And Why
‘Play, reflected back, is the creation, and validation of a meaningful relationship with the world’ --Winnicott in van Eerden 2010. As a mother I marvel at the deep focus and intricate layers of...
Dressing Up Promotes Body Awareness!
Body awareness is an important part of the child development process. This concept can seem more hidden and less obvious than other milestones children meet in the early years. In this blog you can...
Bean Bag Fun and Games
Bean bag activities for kids work on hand-eye coordination, body awareness, concentration, and integration of motor skills like touch, movement, proprioception, and vision. Parents, carers,...
Encourage your Children to be Active
Let’s face it, growing up today is a completely different ball game to when you were young. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your late 20s or 30s and coming to grips with parenthood for the first...
Creative and Explorative Play
Pre-schoolers' like to be spontaneous in their creative play, so it’s good to follow your child’s lead. But there’ll also be times when your child wants you to be more involved in her creative...
The importance of active play in young children
Active play is such an important part of preschool children’s lives, as it builds up their self-confidence and it increases their emotional well-being, physically, socially, emotionally, and...
Visual fun and games
Visual perception activities can help a child to make sense of the information that the eyes are sending to the brain. Having good visual perception skills can therefore help prepare your child for...
Active play at home
With our new way of living in these Covid times, we often need to keep our children active, especially as we are required to stay at home and socially distance. Here are some Clamber Club...
Learning Series – IN and OUT!
It is important for children to have a good understanding of different concepts as it assists in their ability to follow instructions. For a child to correctly use a concept in their spoken...
So much to learn though our SENSES!
Multi-sensory experiences can help deepen a child’s learning experience. Let’s use and orange as an example – If you see the orange it is one thing, if hear it’s name, it adds increased value to the...
Ditch the shoes – barefoot is better!
“Aren’t those little shoes absolutely adorable?” are words all moms have uttered while shopping for clothes for their little ones. But does the adorable completion of an outfit outweigh the...