I sometimes cannot help chuckling to myself… I’m always convinced that after 9 weeks of term, the moms would be happy for the holiday break that is fast approaching. But more times than not, there...

Having a ball!
A ball is one of the best and most indispensable of toys! Ball games can develop many different skills, and are a never ending source of fun for almost any baby, toddler or pre- schooler. Liz Senior...
By Liz Senior of Clamber Club What is balance? Balance is the ability to maintain your equilibrium in relation to the force of gravity. This could be when you are in a static position, or when you...
Clamber Club Parties
Let’s face it, planning a children’s party is a LOT of work and takes a LOT of time. Between raising children and work and running a house most of us don’t have the time. That is when using Clamber...
Birthday Party Games
The party day is finally here, the food is out and the guests have arrived. Now what? While I agree that throwing a bunch of children together and feeding them sugar is enough entertainment in...
Play is fundamental to your child’s development
“Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child’s soul.” – Friedrich Froebel In our busy lives dominated by hectic...
A Trip to the Bird Gardens
Once the excitement of Christmas and New Year has passed I find that there is a lull in the holiday before the start of the new school year. Not wanting my children to get bored, I have been trying...
Water Balloon Fun in the Summer
Summer time in Johannesburg means hot, sunny days. And there is nothing more refreshing on a hot, sunny day than some water play in the garden. I found this awesome water balloon kit from a new toy...
Water Play with a Toy Wash Station
December time generally means sun, sand and swimming for most people in South Africa. We have been having a lot of the sun part at the moment and although that is one of the advantages of living in...
Make Your Own Ball Toys at Home
I am always astounded at the cost of toys these days and I know that I am not the only one. It seems as though toys are getting bigger, flashier and more expensive by the day. Unfortunately my bank...
Pool Noodle Fun Without the Pool
Although I have never played croquet, I have always liked the idea of it. I think it stems from watching Alice in Wonderland when I was a child. I loved watching Alice hit those little rolled up...
Nothing Like a Bit of Outdoor Free Play
When it comes to stimulating your children’s senses you really don’t need to look much further than the great outdoors. Our local parks and open spaces are filled with jungle gyms, flora and fauna...
Spring Time Sensory Fun with Colour Swatches
I have always loved the changing of the seasons. Mother nature is amazing and it is incredible to see how the leaves change colour in the autumn; the icy frost and dry crisp air in the winter; the...
Creative Water Play in the Garden
After only being back at school for just over a week I found out that my eldest daughter would have a full four days off school owing to the heritage day long weekend. Don’t get me wrong, I love...
Creative Spring Fairy Gardens
When we hear the word creativity with regards to activities with our children we often automatically think of things like arts and crafts or even baking. It is important to remember though that...
Clamber Club Goes to the Zoo
Every term Clamber Club organises an outing and this term we were lucky enough to visit the Johannesburg Zoo. Two excited little girls with their Clamber Club lunch boxes (the littlest one...
Almost Summertime Garden Obstacle Course
The weather has started warming up and despite it technically still being winter it is a beautiful 25 degrees and sunny. So, what better way to spend a public holiday than outdoors with some friends...
Two Little Elephants Balancing
Today was the first warm day we have had in almost a week and so when my eldest daughter asked me if we could do an outside activity I didn’t hesitate at all. I didn’t have anything in particular in...