When we talk about balance with regards to our children most of us automatically think of things like our children walking on balance beams or the edges of flowerbeds. My 4 year old daughter has...

Body Tunnels
Making body tunnels is a really fun way of teaching your children about body space awareness, in other words, teaching them how much space their bodies take up. I had almost forgotten how children...
Cardboard Tunnels
Almost everybody knows the story of the parents who bought their children expensive toys or games etc… only to have them more interested in the box they came in. I have certainly experienced this...
Jog The Frog Says
I remember playing this game (more commonly known as Simon Says) when I was a child and like most children, I was completely unaware of how beneficial it was to my Body Awareness development....
Build a bowling Alley
Winter seems to have arrived with a vengeance and along with it chesty coughs and runny noses. So, what do you do with two sick kids when it is bitterly cold outside, you go bowling of course. Now,...
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
We had just finished making body puzzles for our Body Awareness craft and I decided that seeing as though I already had the song stuck in my head we may as well crank up the volume and do some...
The Dullstroom Bird Of Prey & Rehabilitation Centre
While children are fascinated by all animals, the fact that birds can fly seem to make them particularly fascinating to children of all ages. If you don’t believe me, next time you are in the park,...
The Art of the Brick Lego Exhibition
It is no secret that I have a love for all things Lego and so when I started seeing posters for The Art of the Brick Lego exhibit happening in Rosebank my interest was immediately sparked. Oh yes,...
Passageway Maze
It is raining, and freezing (winter) and apparently the weather thinks that Johannesburg is actually Cape Town. Oh yes, and the kids are bored. Now, I am all up for the kids watching a bit of tv...
Autumn Scavenger Hunt
Autumn is a great time for being outdoors. It isn’t too hot (or too cold yet for that matter) and the combination of falling leaves, pretty colours and changing environment make it an exciting place...