Clamber Club Blog
Love Your Job With Clamber Club

Love Your Job With Clamber Club

Through its franchising network and national footprint, Clamber Club offers extra mural classes for babies, toddlers, and pre-schoolers, that have been developed and perfected by occupational therapists, physiotherapists, teachers, and early-learning educators.

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Feeding your Kids a Variety of Different Foods

Feeding your Kids a Variety of Different Foods

Getting your children to eat a variety of foods is important because every single food group and each food within that food group gives your child different micro-and macronutrients. No two food items provide the exact same nutrients, and therefore it is important to eat an assortment of foods.

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Sand Play with Homemade Tools

Sand Play with Homemade Tools

Sand play offers many opportunities for sensory exploration and also encourages children to use their imagination and move their muscles. In this Clamber Club infographic, we share easy ideas of how to play in the sandpit with homemade tools and extend that play-based learning.

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The Sense of Smell

The Sense of Smell

Our sense of smell may be the most undervalued of our five basic senses. Nonetheless, the ability to smell is important, as it is closely linked to our ability to taste. Smells can also evoke particular memories, and smells can calm or excite us.

We’ve been writing about all of the different sensory systems and why this is such an important part of early childhood development. Up next is the sense of smell – or the olfactory perception. In this blog, we’ve rounded up great activities for kids that will put those little noses right to work!

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Let’s Play!

Let’s Play!

Play is a simple joy that is a cherished part of childhood Happy times never end when we’re playing and pretending! Benefits of Play Never underestimate the value of play. Children learn and...

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Tactile Perception

Tactile Perception

Tactile perception activities can help a child develop good touch perception. This, in turn, can aid in the development of good fine motor skills. These activities will help your child learn to...

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