Clamber Club Blog
Yoghurt Ice-Lolly Surprises

Yoghurt Ice-Lolly Surprises

My children have many favourite things, but two of their absolute bests would have to be yoghurt and ice-lollies, so we decided to combine the two and make our own frozen yoghurt ice-lollies. We...

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Colic 101

Colic 101

Colic: the five letter word that is enough to bring any parent to tears (or exhausted sobbing in the corner of a room). It is amazing, when we are pregnant we don’t (usually) care what the sex is,...

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Having a ball!

Having a ball!

A ball is one of the best and most indispensable of toys! Ball games can develop many different skills, and are a never ending source of fun for almost any baby, toddler or pre- schooler. Liz Senior...

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By Liz Senior of Clamber Club What is balance? Balance is the ability to maintain your equilibrium in relation to the force of gravity. This could be when you are in a static position, or when you...

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Clamber Club Parties

Clamber Club Parties

Let’s face it, planning a children’s party is a LOT of work and takes a LOT of time. Between raising children and work and running a house most of us don’t have the time. That is when using Clamber...

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Birthday Party Food

Birthday Party Food

I don’t think that anyone will disagree with me when I say that there are few things worse than a hungry child, except perhaps a room full of them! What food to serve at a birthday party was...

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The Birthday Cake (eek)

The Birthday Cake (eek)

The birthday cake is often the most stressful part of your child’s birthday party. Whether you decide to make it, buy it or have it specially ordered, there seems to be this unspoken pressure to...

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Birthday Party Baking

Birthday Party Baking

With all the planning and chaos involved in putting together a party for your child, it can be easy to forget to involve your little one in the process. One of the easiest ways to get them involved...

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Birthday Party Games

Birthday Party Games

The party day is finally here, the food is out and the guests have arrived. Now what? While I agree that throwing a bunch of children together and feeding them sugar is enough entertainment in...

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Tiny tempers

Tiny tempers

Embarrassing, frustrating (or painful!) as they may be, biting and temper tantrums are a normal part of your child’s development. A phase of biting, screaming, kicking and breath-holding is bound to...

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