Ever since my children made these finger puppets, they have been nagging me to make more. I suppose I should be happy that they enjoyed the activity so much; however it did present a challenge when...

Pictures on Pinterest Don’t Mean you are Perfect
Let's not beat around the bush here, there is a LOT of pressure for us moms (and dad's for that matter) to be absolutely perfect. I sometimes feel like everything that I do is under a microscope and...
Make Your Own Ball Toys at Home
I am always astounded at the cost of toys these days and I know that I am not the only one. It seems as though toys are getting bigger, flashier and more expensive by the day. Unfortunately my bank...
Pool Noodle Fun Without the Pool
Although I have never played croquet, I have always liked the idea of it. I think it stems from watching Alice in Wonderland when I was a child. I loved watching Alice hit those little rolled up...
Teddy bears (beach) picnic
Bakerman is always a special time of the term for me as it is a chance for me and my eldest daughter to bake something together, just the two if us. We do of course have a little spectator, but for...
Finger Puppet Fun
I remember playing with all sorts of various puppets when I was little and what I didn’t realise at the time (of course) is how hugely beneficial they were. Puppets enhance storytelling (they help...
A fun use for disposable doctor’s gloves.
One of the things that I absolutely love about doing activities with my children, is thinking of new and different ways to use everyday items. I have come to learn that almost everything has an...
Nothing Like a Bit of Outdoor Free Play
When it comes to stimulating your children’s senses you really don’t need to look much further than the great outdoors. Our local parks and open spaces are filled with jungle gyms, flora and fauna...
Saturday Night is Pizza Night
I am sure that I am not the only one out there who has children who love pizza. In fact when we go out to eat it is almost always the first thing that my little ones request and so I thought that...
Turn your child into a happy traveller with Clamber Club and Safeway
Clamber Club and Safeway have teamed up to help parents and children enjoy a safe, stimulating and stress-free car journey every time. The Happy Traveller Campaign, which launched in Baby City...
Stimulating the Senses can be Easy AND Fun!
Since becoming a parent I have realised that it is very easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of things that we are responsible for teaching our children. From sensory stimulation to...
Stirred But Not Shaken and Noisy Farm
Stirred But Not Shaken by Keith Floyd This past weekend I finished reading a book that I can’t wait to share with you. Like many South Africans of my generation, I have grown up with numerous...
Great Toys – October 2015
Melissa and Doug Farm Touch and Feel Puzzle 18+ Months Feel the wooly lamb and the feathery duck...just two of the exciting textures to explore on these animal-shaped puzzle pieces! The four wooden...
Stimulating the Visual Sense with Rainbows
To me there is nothing that symbolises spring time quite like a rainbow (barring the new flowers, green gardens and warmer temperatures of course). When those first afternoon showers arrive, giving...
Spring Time Sensory Fun with Colour Swatches
I have always loved the changing of the seasons. Mother nature is amazing and it is incredible to see how the leaves change colour in the autumn; the icy frost and dry crisp air in the winter; the...
Shhh, Don’t Wake the Baby
After writing about how I deal with sleep deprivation last month, it seems as though both my children took the hint and for the past few weeks they have both been letting mommy get her beauty sleep...
Messy Spaghetti Painting
I love using food as sensory items for my children. There is something that completely amazes them about doing something with food other than eating and it is just such a joy to watch. I had been...
Great Toys – September 2015
Melissa & Doug Water WOW! Animals - ON the GO Travel Activity No-mess painting for kids! This exciting paint-with-water colouring book includes four reusable pages and a refillable water pen....