Friday is one of my daughter’s favourite days at school and not for the reason you may think. As adults we lust after Fridays as they signal the start of the weekend however for my daughter...

Sensory Play with Foamy Sand
Sensory play is wonderful for small children and has numerous benefits including an improvement in motor skills and language development as well as helping them learn more about their environment....
Two Little Elephants Balancing
Today was the first warm day we have had in almost a week and so when my eldest daughter asked me if we could do an outside activity I didn’t hesitate at all. I didn’t have anything in particular in...
James Herriot and Pip and Posey
James Herriot The James Herriot series of books is not new and so I am hoping that readers won’t be disappointed by my choosing to review these books this month. I had actually temporarily forgotten...
Having Fun with Balancing Hangers
My eldest daughter has become obsessed with balance lately. She often comes home from school telling me that she has a great sense of balance and that she and her friends practice walking on the...
Keeping Children Busy and You Sane on Outings
I have come across countless articles, blog posts and jokes poking fun at new parents leaving the house with a baby for the first time. We are presented with images of parents packing everything but...
Sensory play with Snow Sand
It is no secret that I hate sand. No, hate is not too strong a word in this case; in fact it might not be strong enough. I would choose the countryside over the sea side any day and the thought of...
Baking with Daddy
It was my birthday this weekend past and despite my many reservations, I agreed to vacate the house for the morning while my husband and children made me a birthday cake. Now, I say that I had...
Great Toys June 2015
Quercetti Geokid Daisy Maxi Daisy Maxi is a creative educational toy with colourful jumbo pegs that has been specifically designed to meet your child’s first developmental needs. Babies and toddlers...
Balancing Robots
When it comes to practising balancing skills with our children I am sure that most of us automatically think of more gross motor activities like egg and spoon races, balance beams, climbing on...
Egg and Spoon Races
When we talk about balance with regards to our children most of us automatically think of things like our children walking on balance beams or the edges of flowerbeds. My 4 year old daughter has...
Body Tunnels
Making body tunnels is a really fun way of teaching your children about body space awareness, in other words, teaching them how much space their bodies take up. I had almost forgotten how children...
Memory Games
We all know that children love running around and using up some of the endless amounts of energy that they seem to have however sometimes after a busy morning it is nice to have some down quiet play...
Cardboard Tunnels
Almost everybody knows the story of the parents who bought their children expensive toys or games etc… only to have them more interested in the box they came in. I have certainly experienced this...
Jog The Frog Says
I remember playing this game (more commonly known as Simon Says) when I was a child and like most children, I was completely unaware of how beneficial it was to my Body Awareness development....
Great Toys – April 2015
Peek a book panda This wooden panda baby toy loves to play peekaboo! Hear the click and clack as its paws flap up to cover the cheerful face, then push them down again to say, "Hello!" Even babies...
Chores for Toddlers
When we were growing up, my siblings and I had a number of chores that we were responsible for. Some of them were mandatory (cleaning our rooms, clearing dishes etc...) and others were rewarded with...
Build a bowling Alley
Winter seems to have arrived with a vengeance and along with it chesty coughs and runny noses. So, what do you do with two sick kids when it is bitterly cold outside, you go bowling of course. Now,...