Make play a priority during your baby's first year to increase parent-baby bonding, boost brain development, and set the stage for social interaction. Read more in this interesting Clamber Club book...

Dressing Up Promotes Body Awareness!
Body awareness is an important part of the child development process. This concept can seem more hidden and less obvious than other milestones children meet in the early years. In this blog you can...
Tips to Help your Preschool Child be more Independent
Fostering independence helps children to become aware of their abilities, to learn new skills, to practice patience and concentration, to experience a sense of achievement and to develop a positive...
Finger Painting and other Creative Endeavours
Finger painting is great for young children's development! Giving children opportunities to paint with their fingers helps them develop their fine motor skills and encourages them to be creative....
Colic in Babies – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Colic: the five-letter word that is enough to bring any parent to tears (or exhausted sobbing in the corner of a room). It is amazing, when we are pregnant, we don’t (usually) care what the sex of...
Encourage your Children to be Active
Let’s face it, growing up today is a completely different ball game to when you were young. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your late 20s or 30s and coming to grips with parenthood for the first...
Three Simple Parenting Solutions for 2022
What's on your New Year's resolutions list? If you're a parent, perhaps your goal is to spend more quality time with your children, be more consistent in your rule-setting, be more patient, listen...
Why are Play Dates Important?
First friendships teach children important social skills such as sharing, manners, and co-operation. When helping your child choose friends for a playdate, consider the following points: Age -...
Optimised Learning
The building blocks for Learning It is increasingly evident that more and more children experience difficulty coping with the demands that a day at school brings. There are a number of possibilities...
Auditory Perception
Auditory perception is an important part of a child’s healthy intellectual development. Listening to and processing information is a skill that is required throughout life. So, how can you help...
The importance of active play in young children
Active play is such an important part of preschool children’s lives, as it builds up their self-confidence and it increases their emotional well-being, physically, socially, emotionally, and...
Visual fun and games
Visual perception activities can help a child to make sense of the information that the eyes are sending to the brain. Having good visual perception skills can therefore help prepare your child for...
Learning Series – Imaginary transport play
Parents, you’re absolutely going to love this super budget-friendly activity! I am sure you have a bunch of boxes piling up from all that online shopping during lockdown and with a few recycled...
Learning through the Visual Sense
Understanding what we see and interpreting what we see is all part of learning. This week we look at how we learn through our eyes. Visual perception can be taught in so many ways, and if we know...
6 Foods To Boost Your Child’s Brain Health!
Let’s talk about brain health and development. There are certain “brain foods” that can help with your child’s brain development. These foods can help improve brain function, memory, and...
Learning Series: Size Matching
Seriation skills are defined as the ability to arrange objects in order by size. The development of seriation skills in young children is a step-by-step process. As children grow and develop,...
Learning Series – IN and OUT!
It is important for children to have a good understanding of different concepts as it assists in their ability to follow instructions. For a child to correctly use a concept in their spoken...
Building blocks for good infant sleep
“Sleeping like a baby” is a well-known idiom but nobody really knows where it comes from. It is especially strange to mothers who, as we all know, experience first-hand what sleep deprivation...