Clamber Club Blog
Finding Your Balance

Finding Your Balance

The development of balance happens in a place called the vestibular system. Think of this system as your child’s very own GPS, it keeps them balanced and in tune as they move, learn, and grow. It ensures that your kids can spin, swing, and slide without turning into dizzy little tornados.

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The Sense of Movement

The Sense of Movement

Everyone knows how important a diverse set of experiences that stimulates all five of our senses is for development. We encourage children to touch, taste, listen, look, and smell all of the things in our environment. These tactile senses are critical to our development allow us to explore and make sense of the world. But have you ever thought about your other senses?

The ones that help you move, keep you upright and let you know where your limbs are? In this blog we explore the proprioceptive system that makes it possible for us to be aware of our own movements and to perceive the location of our body parts in space without a visual reference to them.

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Thinking Out Of The Box

Thinking Out Of The Box

As adults, we have learned through the years that the box is merely the packaging for something more exciting, something more than the box. To a child, that box is everything they have ever wanted. It is a blank canvas, limited only by their imagination and time.

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Developing Creativity and Imagination Skills

Developing Creativity and Imagination Skills

What is creativity and why do we need it?
Much of creativity does not necessarily have to do with the arts. Activities in our everyday lives provide us with numerous opportunities for problem solving, lateral thinking and widening our thought patterns,” comments Liz Senior, Occupational Therapist and Founder of Clamber Club. “While creativity is a skill that should be nurtured from a very young age, it is something that we continue to develop throughout our lives,” she adds.

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Tips for Teaching Puzzles

Tips for Teaching Puzzles

Does your toddler or preschooler have some puzzles lying around that he occasionally plays with? How often do you try to sit with him and encourage him to play with them? Many parents offer puzzles...

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Why Play?

Why Play?

Young children can develop many skills through the power of play. They may develop their language skills, emotions, creativity and social skills. Play helps to nurture imagination and give a child a...

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