Allergies seem to be on the increase and often parents think their child is allergic to a particular food without a proper diagnosis. It is therefore imperative that a health care provider...

Fussy Eater No More! 9 Tips to help encourage your baby to eat.
We are all concerned about our children’s eating habits at one point or another. So how do we make the transition from milk to enjoying various foods? The World Health Organization (WHO) encourages...
How to help your child decrease screen time
For a parent, nothing eliminates the burden of entertaining your child more than handing them your smartphone. The issues with this are all too familiar. Impaired vision and potential phone...
The benefits of bananas for babies
The children’s song ‘Go Bananas! Eat Eat Bananas!’ carries some good advice for parents. Bananas are a fantastic fruit option for children six months and older as they are soft, easy to eat and they...
How to tie your shoe laces
When I had my first child, I will admit I was an overachieving mom. I made sure my son did tummy time for at least an hour a day, he only got fresh homemade solids at 6 months and I even sent him to...
Tips on raising a bilingual child
Knowing how to speak more than one language is a wonderful gift – particularly when living in such a diverse country like South Africa! But how should you go about doing this? Well here are some...
Basic skills at bath time
Fun with stickies. What would bath time be without PLAY PLAY PLAY. Clamber Club’s Motto is all about move learn grow. Play is the most important aspect in which our children learn through and...
Planning a party – 6 Tips to keep costs down
Let’s face it moms! Planning your child’s party can be quite overwhelming. Deciding the date, where to have it, who to invite, what to do and the big question – "How much is it going to cost?" If...
12345…maths for your toddler!
If you always thought that mathematics only revolved around numbers, think again! “There is a myriad of concepts that can help to prepare your child for school related mathematics,” says Liz Senior,...
The power of playdough
Children are naturally curious and will therefore want to explore anything we put in front of them. A fantastic activity for little fingers is playdough, as it enhances many different areas of...
7 Learning opportunities using Otees
I love accidental learning, an activity that I didn’t go out of my way to plan, so its super easy, and it turns out to be a bountiful learning experience for my little ones. Here are some fun...
Teaching shapes to kids
Learning a new skill can be very exciting if we make it fun and playful for our little adventurers. Children love to be actively involved in learning something new. So for now, put away the books...
5 Tips on choosing a venue
Celebrating birthdays in our house has always been preceded by much planning and careful deliberation. It’s the time where frantic baking takes place for school friends, colleagues and family...
Choosing the right Breast pump for you
We have all done it, spent ages in front of the Breast pump isle at the baby shop. Not understanding what all the differences mean. This is not a small purchase but these days, it’s a very important...
Playful ways to express emotions
“Emotions are important and can determine the kind of behaviour your child displays,” advises play therapist and Clamber Club Expert Anna Rodrigues. “A young child does not have the language to tell...
How to speak to your child so that they will listen to your needs
I think we can all agree that parenting was much easier before we had kids and it was much easier to have an opinion about parenting before we became parents. This is one of the most difficult jobs...
10 Body Awareness Games for your preschooler – That won’t cost you a cent!
If a child has a good image of his body (how it works, how it moves, how it feels), he will have a sound base on which to build perceptual skills that are needed for effective academic classroom...
Teaching my two and a half year old how to build a puzzle After mastering the initial chunky knob, pin and one piece puzzles, I’ve started teaching my toddler how to build a real puzzle. We have had...