Why not create a MEMORY JAR in your home…… What on earth is a memory jar? Well in my home we made a DIY jar with lots of pretty colourful paper to capture special sayings/ words that each of my...

Parenting through Chronic illness, you are not alone
People are always asking me how is Dylan since his transplant. I know I havnt posted for a long time and given an update. 28 September is Dylan's 2 year liverversary. I have always been a very...
Tips for creating boundaries
Pushing boundaries is an important part of growing up. It leads to independence and enables your child to make good life choices. Having firm boundaries and rules creates a positive and secure...
Surviving the newborn stage – 6 top tips
Becoming a parent fills you with so many emotions – joy, happiness, love, apprehension, fear...you name it. When you are in hospital though, you (and baby) are looked after 24/7 by the wonderful...
Your first outing with your new born
You are a new mom, the euphoria of having your tiny bundle of joy safely nestled at home has been pure joy – baby sleeps, eats and cuddles in your arms (newborns sleep for the majority of the day...
Potty training is hair raising
When it comes to that time in a toddler’s life that potty training is necessary, I don’t know who it stresses out more… parent or child? As it turns out, we are busy potty training our little son,...
What childhood memories are made of!
Our family was recently invited on a weekend adventure to Underberg. Our trip started with an unexpected and terrifying obstacle course. The road to Underberg from Durban is not for the faint...
From handbag to nappy bag
Gone are the days of sleeping in late, spontaneous date nights with your partner and a quick trip to the shops for some retail therapy. Don’t get me wrong, having a baby is the single best moment of...
Venturing out with a new born
As a new mom of my 3 week old dear little boy, Braelan William, life has been turned upside down in the most wonderful way. A new mom can feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of caring for a new...
What I have learnt in the first year of my child’s life
Wow! What a whirlwind, I can’t say I was at all prepared for motherhood despite reading the books, googling all the questions, getting the advice from friends and even Pinteresting the Life Hacks...
Baby’s first vaccinations
As a new mom, every day is a new challenge. Just as you think you have a system in place, a growth spurt or something else happens to change this. My baby is 6 weeks old and that means vaccination...
5 Top tips for a newborn photo shoot
Choose a photographer you are comfortable with This may seem straightforward, but the thought of having someone in your home taking pictures of your newborn is stressful. Remember, you have only...
First holiday with baby – top tips
The thought of planning a holiday with your baby is just as nerve-wracking as packing for one, especially if it is the first time. The key is just to relax and enjoy the time away with your family....
Beach Hacks: Internet vs. real life
In this techno-savvy world where anything we want to know is at the click of a button, we often head to the Internet and just google what we need. As new moms, the web is a great resource for info,...
Jog goes to Namibia!
Our family and I recently took our 2 and 4 year old little girls on holiday to Namibia for a week. My 2 year old was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder at 9 months with her auditory and...
Second time around!
I am a mom to a busy little two and a half year boy. Needless to say, he is a boundless ball of energy, with a cheeky little smile and an obsession for cars and airplanes. When my son was about 6...
From the mom with allergic children…
We’ve seen them at parties: The stealthy mom that raids the party pack to replace sugary treats with homemade date balls; the mom that watches her child like a hawk at the party table – ready to...
The big bedtime debate. Are you in or are you out?
With the winter cold all around us, it really can be a schlep to get out from under your warm and cozy covers – especially when the sun isn’t even up. It’s much easier to hit the snooze button and...