You child’s birthday party, be it their 1st or 21st, will be one of a parents most memorable moments. How you remember it is important. The memories of the joyful celebration and fun or the panic of...

Solids: the good, the bad, and the gravy
The road to feeding your baby solids is a life-changing one – it can be nerve-wracking, delightful, messy, very messy, and rewarding. It’s a necessary milestone for your baby to reach and one that...
Snack time – Each to their own!
I know that snacks for children is always such a sensitive issue. We all want to ensure that our children are happy and healthy and some parents don’t let their little ones have sweets, biscuits,...
Bum’s the word
A couple of years ago when an expectant-dad friend of mine told me that he and his wife were going to be using reusable nappies for their baby, I thought that they were mad! I asked myself...
#3 Questions to Ask Your Child Every Night
I often wonder how to foster open communication with my little girl as she gets older. Of course now she is too little and hardly talks, but when she starts going to playschool and then onto primary...
The True Meaning of Support
It’s 3a.m. You’ve been up for 2 hours with your fussing, colicky baby and you’ve done absolutely everything to keep her calm. It’s hard for you both because she can’t articulate her pain, and you...
Mama knows best!!
Words of Wisdom for moms from moms! I walked into my parent’s house recently and what I saw stopped me in my tracks… There was my mother, lying on the couch, reading a book at 16h30 on...
Baby, it’s back to reality
These days, going back to work and leaving your baby at daycare is a reality for most moms. Even though work may seem like a distant memory, there comes a time when you will need to prepare for a...
Planning the perfect birthday party
In the almost 5 years since I have become a mom I have come to learn that birthday parties are a pretty big deal to little people. In fact, when my daughter turned four she believed that she was...
How to be (Mostly) Prepared for School
It seems like the second that Christmas is over and the streamers from New Year have been cleaned up I start to spot back to school posters, pamphlets and adverts all over the place. Crikey, can’t...
Surviving the December Holidays
December time is here which means school is out, leave has been taken and festive displays are popping up everywhere (although some have been up since September). Whether you celebrate Christmas or...
Pictures on Pinterest Don’t Mean you are Perfect
Let's not beat around the bush here, there is a LOT of pressure for us moms (and dad's for that matter) to be absolutely perfect. I sometimes feel like everything that I do is under a microscope and...
Shhh, Don’t Wake the Baby
After writing about how I deal with sleep deprivation last month, it seems as though both my children took the hint and for the past few weeks they have both been letting mommy get her beauty sleep...
There is Nothing Magical about Sleep Deprivation
I really didn’t feel great today. My eldest daughter is back at school after a month long holiday and a week of early wake ups, a busy daily routine and a yucky bug has meant that I have not been in...
Potty Training Time (uh oh)!
I successfully potty trained my eldest daughter at two years and three months and so a few months ago when my youngest daughter turned two I started to look out for the signs that she was ready to...
Keeping Children Busy and You Sane on Outings
I have come across countless articles, blog posts and jokes poking fun at new parents leaving the house with a baby for the first time. We are presented with images of parents packing everything but...
Chores for Toddlers
When we were growing up, my siblings and I had a number of chores that we were responsible for. Some of them were mandatory (cleaning our rooms, clearing dishes etc...) and others were rewarded with...
Sibling Rivalry – Tips for Dealing with Conflict
I really am so pleased that we had our two amazing children so close together. Having a just under 2 year age gap means that our little ones are close enough together that they still have a lot in...