Children learn best when all their senses are engaged. Learning our shapes can be taught not only through the visual and auditory senses, but also through touch, creativity and movement. Play Dough...

Gross motor play during the Covid-19 pandemic
“From early on, movement is associated with better cognitive outcome, and gross motor activity has an impact on learning as well as fine motor function,” says Nicole Hilburn, Peadiatric...
Online classes in the comfort of your own home
Exciting news! Clamber Club is running interactive, dynamic and entertaining online classes! This means your children can continue to move, learn, grow and develop…. AND they won’t miss out on their...
Messy play – Wibble wobble
We have some cool ideas to keep your little one’s fingers busy with wibbly wobbly jello this summer! Benefits of sensory play: Sensory play enhances learning through hands-on activities! Sensory...
Simple activities to keep the kids busy this summer
Sometimes we try too hard to keep our kids busy, with arranged play dates, visits to the zoo and the restaurant with the play area and jungle gym. However, sometimes all they need is quality time...
Old school play for 21st century thinking
I have written about the importance of play in previous Baby and Child issues and will continue to do so as often as I can. This is because I am slightly obsessed with play: the importance thereof,...
10 Fun bean bag activities
Bean Bags are a FUN and inexpensive prop that can be used for many different activities to develop gross motor skills, body awareness and sensory play. Sew about 10 bean bags together in different...
Baby and me home work out
After having a baby, you realize that there is not much time for yourself let alone time to get to the gym to try get and get your the pre-baby body back or to just get some good endorphins flowing....
How to improve your child’s core strength
“Core strength” has been a buzz word in the health industry the last few years, but its importance cannot be undermined especially in children. The core muscles consist of the abdominal, hip and...
Colourful Fun with Sensory Rice
We all love buying and receiving new toys for our babies. But have your ever noticed how the wrapping paper, box or plastic is usually far more entertaining than the contents themselves? I’m not...
20 Things to do before you’re 10!
Creating bucket lists should not be just for adults. Children love doing activities and working through lists so combined combine these and make a bucket list. This will give your child a sense of...
DIY heavy ball and a light balls
Playing with different weight and textured balls is a fun way to teach the mathematical concept of heavy and light and to stimulate the sense of touch. Why not make your own! What you will need: 2...
Obstacle course adventures
Obstacle courses are great fun for kids and can keep them occupied for hours, especially if you make them part of the planning and preparations. They absolutely love being involved in this...
Making memories with your children
You don't need an extravagant vacation to make a lifetime of memories with your children. When my son was two years old we went on a family holiday to Portugal, he was very excited about going on a...
A healthy, happy mum equals a healthy happy family. Healthy eating and exercise tips.
There’s no doubt that a healthy, happy mum equals a healthy happy family too! Wellness expert, Lisa Raleigh shares her simple strategies to boost your energy and feel your best as a busy mom. It may...
Baby exercises for happy healthy babies!
Movement and play experiences with your baby can provide the foundation for the development of motor, sensory, perceptual, intellectual, language and social skills. At birth, your baby moves...
Textured sock snakes
Do you have odd pairs of socks lying around in the house? I always have odd socks in the ironing basket. I often think that I should just throw them in the bin, but this week I saw a picture of a...
Bubble wrap sensory play
I recently found a cool activity on Pinterest that involves bubble wrap. Don’t be fooled by how perfect everything looks on Pinterest – but this really was a great activity that my baby and I...