I sometimes cannot help chuckling to myself…
I’m always convinced that after 9 weeks of term, the moms would be happy for the holiday break that is fast approaching. But more times than not, there is this look of panic which comes across the moms faces and I’m often asked “But what am I going to do with my baby during the holidays? We look so forward to coming to class each week!”
Now, Mommies, would Clamber Club ever desert you when you need us most??
Below is a list of 35 fun activities to do with your baby over these Easter holidays.
1. Blow Bubbles – Visual tracking & eye-hand co-ordination
2. Play Peek-a-boo – Object Permanence
3. Play with Finger Puppets – To practice focusing and eye movements
4. Sing Nursery Rhymes (don’t forget the actions) – Body awareness
5. Collect rocks into a bucket – Posting
6. Make an obstacle course out of cushions and furniture – Gross Motor
7. Build a tent out of sheets – Spatial Awareness
8. Go for a walk outdoors – Sensory processing
9. Make a car out of a box – Vestibular
10. Read a book, they never too young to start – Visual & Auditory
11. Go to the park, and enjoy the equipment WITH your little one – To foster pleasure in movement and prepare your baby for gross motor skills
12. Dance to Music, incorporating movements like spinning, rocking, swinging and
tipping upside down – Vestibular
13. Practise putting things in and taking things out of boxes and bags – Posting
14. Roll a ball back and forth on the floor – Visual Tracking
15. Scrunch newspaper into balls – Fine Motor
16. Play with a bucket of water and a sponge (with CLOSE supervision) – Sensory
17. Make a drumming station out of empty boxes, formula tins, pots and pans – Auditory
18. Wash windows together – eye-hand co-ordination
19. Make a playhouse out of a large box – Spatial awareness
20. Play musical instruments – Auditory
21. Plant a flower together – Sensory Processing
22. Make a “Hammock” with a sheet and swing your baby side to side (1 adult on each
side) – Vestibular
23. Play dress up in front of a mirror – Body awareness
24. Give a piggie back ride – Vestibular
25. Let your baby do airplane flying on your legs – Vestibular
26. Go on a sensory hunt through the garden – look, touch and feel all the things the
garden has to offer – Sensory Processing
27. Give you baby a massage – Proprioception & Body Awareness
28. Fill an old purse with safe household items for your baby to discover – Sensory
29. Paint your baby’s palms and feet with child friendly paint and blot onto paper for a
special keepsake – Sensory processing
30. Tummy time at night with touch lights – Proprioception
31. Tummy time in front of a mirror – Proprioception
32. Make a puddle on cement and splash, splash, splash – Sensory Processing
33. Play “Stop” and “Go” – Understanding Concepts
34. Make some homemade shakers for your baby to discover – Auditory
35. Cook up some spaghetti, add some food colouring and let your little one have some
messy play fun – Tactile