“Sleeping like a baby” is a well-known idiom but nobody really knows where it comes from. It is especially strange to mothers who, as we all know, experience first-hand what sleep deprivation...

4 Ways to boost your child’s gut health
Your child's gut, second brain, plays a vital role in their overall wellbeing. We know that the bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract help control the immune system - how it fights off colds and...
How to keep your child’s brain nourished during exams
Exam season can be very demanding on young minds. With technology always changing, today's children are relying on their ability to focus more than any other generation before them. One way of...
GRAVITY – A missing link in child development
Ground-breaking book: The influence of gravity on your child’s development Gravity, a missing link in child development by Dr Melodie de Jager, Dr Oleg Efimov and Victoria Efimova (Mind...
6 Immunity boosters for the whole family – products and lifestyle tips
IMPORTANT: It's imperative to understand that no supplement, diet, or other lifestyle modification other than washing hands, wearing a mask and social distancing can protect you from COVID-19. Learn...
3 Ways to help your child cope with back-to-school jitters
The uncertainties around children going back to school have parents facing unfamiliar challenges. Fear and anxiety levels are bound to rise as children are, firstly, leaving their place of shelter...
How to manage your child’s screen time – 3 Tips
During the COVID-19 pandemic, children are spending more time in front of screens than ever before. With the whole family behind screens at home and everything from work, school, playdates taking...
Why playing with soft toys is important for a young child – REABOKA SOFT TOYS
Playing with soft toys has a whole host of benefits for children. Young children very often use their soft toys to project their feelings and then they use them for comfort. Soft toys teach children...
Today’s tip for developing communication skills is to pause
Babies and children often need a little longer to respond to our communication or to initiate interaction with us. This is totally normal, they're still putting all their skills together. When we...
The Runaway Train, illustrated by Jess Stockham, published by Child’s Play
This incredible book has gone through THREE of my children's hands and still looks so good and solid. Besides it being hardy, my older kids are still fascinated at how the train can be threaded...
Supporting your child’s emotional well-being by Just BEING
How do you FEEL? With the changes in our lives and routines, our children will be experiencing a range of emotions. We have created some Jog the Frog colouring in pages for you to talk about...
Bullying: children need to be taught to regulate and connect
The "Him, Bullied, NEVER" blog is a powerful article about a universal and highly emotional situation that every parent hopes they will not have to help their child cope with. Way to go to this...
How music positively effects brain development in children
New studies suggest that babies can remember music they’ve listened to in the womb for up to a year after being born. It is no secret that listening and experiencing music stimulates the young brain...
Are you communicating effectively?
You’re home from school and you ask you child how his day went. `Fine’ he says or `Fun’ or `It was ok’. Do you at times find yourself struggling to get any response or to engage in a way that is...
Creating magic for 30 years
Over 30 years ago occupational therapist Liz Senior had a dream to create a sensory motor programme for children that promoted learning in a playful way. As an OT working with children with learning...
My Toddler Won’t Share
Often parents leave a playdate or family gathering red-faced after a massive flood of tears over a toy. Why can’t my toddler share toys with a friend, she is great with sharing her food with me at...
Autism: What is it, what are the signs and who can help?
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of conditions that affect a person’s social communication, sensory processing, thinking and emotional regulation. It is a lifelong condition that has a...
Colours, Numbers and Shapes by Bright Baby
What a fantastic book for 2 year olds and upwards. This book is interactive with exciting secretive flaps which all children love and this interaction reinforces the learning and memory process....