This incredible book has gone through THREE of my children’s hands and still looks so good and solid.
Besides it being hardy, my older kids are still fascinated at how the train can be threaded through each page and how each page brings about a new adventure.
It is a story about how a train is out of control and rides through each part of the city/ gardens/ jungle or farmlands and how it magically arrives at it’s final destination.
It’s short and sweet and all the words are rhyming words (although I think they could have added some more text to the pages for the older kids)
The illustrations are phenomenal and bright and the felt train that is attached to a ribbon, rides through each adventure with ease.
It certainly promotes fine motor skills, it’s the start of threading, spatial planning as the children have to push the felt train through the hole in each page, as well as the use of their little imaginations with what adventure lies ahead.
The pages are very strong and not too thick so the children have to turn the page carefully with their fingers.
They maybe could have added a stop on each page and got the children to count the flowers/ cows/ planets/ towels etc….. just so the beautiful illustrations could be appreciated more.
Well done Child’s Play on a well put together book that has longevity and been made very well.
I recommend it to all parents with children between the ages of 18 months to 6 years old.
Try get your hands on one – every household should have it in their bookcase.
Contributed by Candice Vogel of Clamber Club Sports Lonehill
Cell: 079 185 2657