Clamber Club Blog
Tear It. Paste It.

Tear It. Paste It.

Tearing is a great workout for little fingers and one that is important for building fine motor skills in early childhood.  Here are some awesome paper tearing activity ideas that are simple and require little or no preparation.

While it may start with your toddler gleefully ripping through your toilet rolls and tearing out pages of their books (much to your frustration), tearing paper should actually be encouraged.

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Taste Safe Sensory Play

Taste Safe Sensory Play

Sensory play is crucial for toddlers, as it provides them with opportunities to actively use their senses as they explore their world. Sensory play is important for a toddler’s brain development....

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Citrus Sensory Necklace

Citrus Sensory Necklace

Keeping our children occupied during these long unprecedented days at home calls for out-of- the-box ideas and creativity using things found lying around the house. Presenting the idea of making a...

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Homemade Puffy Paint Recipe

Homemade Puffy Paint Recipe

I have three children of various ages and all my children love being creative and busy. When I came across this amazing recipe it kept my two younger children busy for hours. It was so much fun...

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How to doodle!

How to doodle!

I know that this is an obvious idea and probably everyone has doodled before, but sometimes we still have no idea what to doodle and even doodling can become a difficult task.   What are the...

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Homemade bath crayons

Homemade bath crayons

Bath time is one of our favourite activities at home. Any time there is any kind of water, be it the swimming pool or the dogs water bowl, my daughter is drawn to it and just wants to play in it. We...

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How to Make Homemade Slime

How to Make Homemade Slime

A great activity for kids, homemade slime offers many benefits. It is an excellent tactile activity, providing kids with lots of stimulation. It also teaches kids the basics of following recipes,...

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Homemade instruments

Homemade instruments

What is more fun than making music together as a family? Making the instruments! You can make so many instruments just by walking through the house and gathering items which make potentially good...

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Salt dough ornaments

Salt dough ornaments

I have always enjoyed making these with my kids, and now that my daughter is 7 and reading, I found it top be such a wonderful experience with her! Vivienne could read out and measure the...

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