The thought of planning a holiday with your baby is just as nerve-wracking as packing for one, especially if it is the first time.
The key is just to relax and enjoy the time away with your family.
This might sound like an obvious choice, but the location of your holiday needs to create a relaxing, stress-free environment for both you and your baby. Do your research before you book anywhere to stay and always check all the amenities of the holiday place, for example, How long will it take to travel there? Does the place have provision for a generator should the electricity go down? And is there a pharmacy/ shop close to the place should you need it?
Make lists
A baby basically needs a home away from home. Make sure you pack everything and a little bit more.
Check the weather
The last thing you want is to only pack summer baby gros and a cold front hits. Download as many weather apps as possible and pack for “just in case” weather options
Don’t be scared to over pack
If you have to hire or borrow a trailer, then do it. Your baby’s needs come first, so be prepared in order to avoid a stressful holiday
This is your first holiday, although it may be stressful being a new environment – just enjoy it!
Contributed by Kathy Cowell