As a Clamber Club Babies franchise owner, I see and talk to many moms with kiddies who are not well sometimes. Having a sick child is never something you want on your wish list, and on top of that, a lot of parents are reluctant to treat their kids with paracetamol, let alone antibiotics. They just don’t want to put medications into their children’s bodies, which I completely understand.

Enter homeopathy – a medicine that works so beautifully on babies and kids, is perfectly safe from the day they are born, and can be used for a multitude of ailments, from bumps and bruises to colds and flu. There are hundreds of homeopathic remedies, and if you’re at all familiar with homeopathy, you will know that every single condition has heaps of remedies associated with it – only a qualified homeopath will understand the nuances of each remedy. But having these easily obtainable products on hand at home can definitely help to speed up the healing process when you have an unhappy or ill child.


If I had to choose just one homeopathic remedy to keep in my medicine cabinet, it would be this one! Arnica is my first port of call for all the little injuries that happen on an almost daily basis. Let’s face it – accidents happen, kids are clumsy, and scrapes and bruises seem to appear out of nowhere. Arnica, is easily available at most pharmacies, can be given orally (it dissolves in the mouth or can be crushed up) or it can be applied in a cream form. Just be careful not to apply Arnica cream to open wounds as it can aggravate bleeding. Traumeel is a fantastic homeopathic product that contains Arnica and many other remedies for injury, pain, and inflammation, and is available in tablets and cream.

Tissue Salt Number 9 (Nat Mur)

At the first sign of sneezing or a dripping nose, I give Nat Mur. My kids get so excited – they just love tissue salts…I have no idea why, but they think they taste wonderful, and they call them ‘sweeties’! The key of treating with homeopathically is frequency – the more you can give a remedy, especially at the beginning of an illness or injury, the more effective it will be. So, if I’m able to, I will give Nat Mur every 15 minutes for the first few hours. Of course that’s not always possible but I just try to give a dose as often as I can. By doing this, I have been able to stop a cold in its tracks, especially with my younger son, who responds so well to Nat Mur.

Tissue Salt Number 5 (Kali Mur)

When a cold takes on that typical snotty kid look – you know the one – it’s all kind of gross – that’s when I pull out Tissue Salt Number 5, Kali Mur. Given at regular and frequent intervals, I find that it generally shortens the duration of the runny nose.
Natura also makes a combination tissue salt product for coughs and colds that contains both Nat Mur and Kali Mur, amongst other things. I use it all the time when my boys are sick.

Heel Viburcol

When my kids get sick, feverish, and inconsolable, that’s when Viburcol is magic. It’s a suppository, so even if your baby or toddler is screaming blue murder, it’s still relatively easy to administer as it doesn’t require much cooperation on their part! Viburcol is wonderful for fevers, restlessness, teething, general misery from illness, and more. You can pick it up at most pharmacies and it’s definitely something you should keep on hand at home.

The products I’ve mentioned in this blog are easily accessible, and there’s so many more that you can pick up off the shelf at your local pharmacy, which will enable you to treat your baby or toddler effectively.

Please note – As a qualified homeopath (not practicing at the moment) I am not suggesting that you don’t see a professional, doctor, GP, or paediatrician if and when necessary!

Clamber Club Babies Morningside & Clamber Club Sports Morningside