As I type this I am singing the song in my head, it is amazing how annoyingly catchy it is! As a parent you have probably heard the term Body Awareness before and for good reason. Occupational Therapist and Clamber Club Founder Liz Senior explains that Body Awareness is an important developmental measure in early childhood. It is something we usually take for granted, yet it plays the most fundamental role in our ability to learn. A fun way to help your little ones learn body awareness is to make a body puzzle. Get your children to match up the heads, torso and legs of pictures and make up fun combinations. My eldest thought it was hilarious putting boy pants on the girl torso! Heads, shoulders, knees and toes For the puzzles that we made you need the following: • Royalty free black and white images of children (I always use My Cute Graphics) • Coloured card to stick to the back • Glue • Crayons • Scissors Heads, shoulders, knees and toes Heads, shoulders, knees and toes Print your chosen images and give them to your little ones to colour in. Once they have finished colouring in the images stick them onto your coloured card to stabilise them. Cut each image into three separating the head, shoulders and torso and legs. Heads, shoulders, knees and toes Heads, shoulders, knees and toes *If you don’t have time to print out royalty free images and supervise colouring in old magazines are always a fantastic resource. Cut out images of people and then cut those into three and continue with the activity. As your children play around with the different combinations get them to try to name the body parts. My youngest (2) managed the major parts very well and could also point out some of the other parts too (eyes, ears, hands and feet – yay). To grade the activity a bit more for my eldest (4) I got her to name the parts and then tell me more about them. For example, how many eyes, ears, fingers and toes she has and then what each part does. The children had lots of fun doing this and by sticking the images on card it means I can keep them to pull out on another day. If you want to take this activity one step further you can turn it into an active play activity and sing the song or play Jog The Frog Says.