Making bread in a bag is going to become your new favourite family activity! Little kids and big kids alike will love making their own loaf of bread. Summer is a great time to spend some time in the kitchen with your kdis. Hopefully your schedules are a little slower and you can take advantage of that by spending some fun time in the kitchen.

I enlisted 2 of the cutest little girls who happen to be my daughters, to come and play with me in the kitchen.


  • 3 cups of flour
  • 1 ½ tsp salt
  • 3tbsp sugar
  • 1pkt rapid rise yeast
  • 3tbsp oil
  • 1 cup warm water

Tip 1: Have all the ingredients out and easy to reach

Making bread was a great way to teach the girls the right way to measure flour  – I prefer the scoop and level method.

The first step was to add the sugar, yeast and water. We learned a little about yeast and what it does and how it is important for your water to be the right temperature.

Then we put a cup of flour into their bag. The girks zipped up their bags and smooshed it all together until the flour was all mixed in.

We then let it rest for 10 minutes so their yeast could activate and they went out in the garden for a little play.

We then added some oil, salt and more flour into the bag. And smooshed some more!

The girls then turned their dough out onto the table and kneaded it until smooth with a litte bit of extra flour. 

Tip 2: Dont expect perfection. The important thing is that they have fun. Their loaves weren’t perfectly shaped but it didn’t matter, they still tasted the amazing!

We greased 2 bread loaf pans and placed the dough inside to let them rise. Because we used rapid rise yeast, it didn’t take long –  about 25 – 30 minutes.

Tip 3: Embrace the mess. Kids will be messy and you will end up with flour all over the flour and table, but they are going to have fun and so will you! Enjoy it. The mess will clean up quickly but the memories will last a long time!

Bake the bread for about 25 minutes.

Then the next part is the best – ENJOY your bread! The girls were so excited and proud of themselves and could wait to tuck in!

Contributed by Michelle Webber of Clamber Club Sports Glenwood
Tel: 072 358 4459