We have some cool ideas to keep your little one’s fingers busy with wibbly wobbly jello this summer!

Benefits of sensory play:

Sensory play enhances learning through hands-on activities!

  • Sensory play builds nerve connections in the brain pathways
  • Sensory play supports language development and fine motor skills
  • Sensory play is great for calming an anxious or frustrated child

What you will need:

  • Jelly powder – various colours
  • Bowls for the jelly, use different shapes and sizes
  • Non-edible items – spiders, snakes, shapes etc
  • 4 Small coloured buckets
  • Plastic table cloth or big tray

Make different coloured jelly a day in advance so it is sets nicely for the activity. Allow your children to help you make the jelly and explain what will happen to the jelly once it goes into the fridge for a couple of hours.  In each jelly bowl add some interesting items. Use different coloured items so you can teach them about the different colours and shapes as they fish it out of the jelly.

Once the jelly is set, take it out the fridge and put the plastic containers on a table, I suggest you cover the table with plastic cloth or you can use a tray and let the squishing begin! Mention the different flavours and the different smells of the jelly as they squish and squash the jelly.

Once your children have fished all the shapes and animals out of the jelly, add some: Lego pieces, plastic snakes, bugs or plastic shapes in the centre.

Using 4 small different coloured buckets let your children sort the colours of the items they fish out of the jelly.

Use this time to discuss the different items you are fishing out and name the different colours for each item. Discuss the feeling of the jelly, squishy, slimy, sloppy! Use as many words to describe the jelly.

Once they have fished playing with the jelly, play the Clamber Club Jelly on the Plate song and let your children scoop the jelly up and put it into different bowls. You can also let them sit in the jelly and stamp their feet in it for a fuller body experience!

Contributed by Lenete De Sousa of Clamber Club Parties and Sports – Centurion
Tel: 072 267 6890
Email: partiescenturion@clamberclub.com 
Website: www.clamberclub.com