I am always on the look out for interesting, healthy snacks for the kids. These raspberry frozen yoghurt treats are delicious, easy and quick to make, and older kids can even make it themselves.


There’s no baking in the oven required, you use just three ingredients, and the measuring doesn’t need to be exact for the raspberry yoghurt treats to come out perfectly.  This is really a wonderful recipe for kids to start with to build up their confidence in the kitchen.


We make them in small silicone moulds- the kids love the different shapes, and for younger kids you can ask them to name the shapes on the moulds!


You can also use a muffin tin if you don’t have any silicone ones. 


You could also easily use a bigger mould and serve it as a dessert – yum!


We used raspberries, as we absolutely love them in our house and you can use any fruit, or even a mixture of berries.  

If you don’t want to add syrup, you can use vanilla flavoured yoghurt. If you have a very sweet fruit, you may not need the syrup, so taste as you go!




  • 2/3 Cup plain yoghurt
  • 1 Cup raspberries (frozen or fresh)
  • 2 tablespoons maple or golden syrup
  • Spray and cook
  • Medium bowl for mixing 
  • Fork
  • Cup to measure
  • Measuring spoon




Add the yoghurt to the bowl, and then add the raspberries – use a fork to mash in the raspberries so make sure there are no clumps. The raspberries break up pretty easily, so depending your fruit, you may need to cut up into small pieces before, or even blitz in your food processor.



Mix very well to ensure the fruit is combined well with the yoghurt.



Add in the syrup. We don’t measure this out exactly- we just pour some in, mix and taste and repeat if necessary.


Use your measuring spoon for 1 tablespoon to start if you are not sure, mix well and add more if you need to. 


Lightly spray the silicone mould with some Spray and Cook. Scoop the mixture into a silicone mould. Fill right to the top.


Place into the freezer.


Once they are frozen, you can remove from the freezer and store in an airtight container. As a treat, you can even add sprinkles on the top!




Contributed by Charmaine Papazian of Clamber Club Babies – Craighall Park
Website: www.clamberclub.com