I can't believe it is May already and although it signals the beginning of the cold months, it also means that it is mother's day. Contrary to what all the shops believe, the only thing that I am...
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Water Gun Painting
One of the wonderful things about being a child is that life is full of simple pleasures and painting, is one of them. Right from creating their masterpiece to being able to show it off once it’s...
Painting Fun with Shapes
Those people who know me, know that I LOVE to paint and if I could have my way I would spend my days in an art studio churning out canvas after canvas (and occasionally sipping on champagne). As you...
Great Toys – April 2015
Peek a book panda This wooden panda baby toy loves to play peekaboo! Hear the click and clack as its paws flap up to cover the cheerful face, then push them down again to say, "Hello!" Even babies...