“Play, reflected back, is the creation, and validation of a meaningful relationship with the world.” – Winnicott in van Eerden, 2010.

As a mother, I marvel at the deep focus and intricate layers of play my 15-month-old engages in. As a therapist working with children through play-based techniques, I also recognise the important developmental processes at work. I am often humbled by a child’s ability to make sense of their world through this complex mode of exploration and expression. While there are countless benefits to play in early childhood, I want to highlight one particular approach: the importance of child-led free play with a parent or caregiver. Dr. Jack Shonkoff of Harvard University explains that the most important thing a parent can do to support their child’s brain development is to engage with them in play.

For children, play is a special space where the imagination can be explored. It is a space of experimentation, learning, synthesising, negotiating relationships, and meeting others. Play offers a safe space for children to explore material presented to them, whether mastering a physical activity or making sense of a difficult playground experience. Paying attention to the content of our children’s play gives parents insight into what the child is presently processing or working through. It is important to support our children with moments of child-led free play so that they may have space to explore and express what is front-of-mind in their world.

Child-led play with adults. Picture of African Children playing with their dad

What is Child-Led Play with an Adult?

Child-led play is where children take the lead, and we as adults play a supporting role. Our attention is engaged with the child’s process, listening carefully to what their play is calling for and being ready to offer just that. So, if we get “peekaboo-ed,” be ready to provide the appropriate playful surprise and joyful response.

By doing this, you are affirming the child’s inner world in an external reality. This supports the child’s ability to form a meaningful relationship with the world. These kinds of interactions tell the child: “I am here with you. I hear you. I see you.”

The idea in child-led play is to suspend the impulse of directing or steering the play. Try to balance structured and learning-based play every day with a short period of play that the young child leads you through.

The emotional, neurodevelopmental, and social benefits are significant. You can begin by asking your child, “What do you want to play today?” and then be ready to support creating the environment needed for that play (for example, grab pillows and blankets to build a fort). If the child experiences a challenge during play, offer some support but try to let the child take the lead in overcoming the issue.

By embracing child-led free play, parents and caregivers can foster a nurturing environment where children feel heard, understood, and supported, promoting their overall development and well-being.

For more information on Clamber Club, please click on the link below: https://www.clamberclub.com.

Clamber Club thanks HAYLEY ROBERTS
is an HPCSA registered Dramatherapist and practices in Douglasdale. Cell: 0826141874. for the contents of this article

Adapted from Mike van Eerden: “The Creative Space of Play: D.W. Winnicott – On Luminous Grounds (Web. 23 Apr. 2016).