Thoughts of 2020 and 2021 may be associated with anxiety, turbulence, and being thrown in the deep end without knowing how to swim. All the more so if you find yourself navigating how to parent...
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3 Ways to help your child cope with back-to-school jitters
The uncertainties around children going back to school have parents facing unfamiliar challenges. Fear and anxiety levels are bound to rise as children are, firstly, leaving their place of shelter...
5 Tips for overwhelmed parents
Stress is part of everyday life. The physical symptoms of stress: increased heart rate, tension in the neck and shoulders, tummy cramps, sweaty palms and others, are linked to our primal...
Gross motor play during the Covid-19 pandemic
“From early on, movement is associated with better cognitive outcome, and gross motor activity has an impact on learning as well as fine motor function,” says Nicole Hilburn, Peadiatric...