Clamber Club Blog
Top Tips for Play

Top Tips for Play

What are your top play tips? With so much information on play and so little time, I hope that some of these tips will help to ease the load in our ‘perfect parenting’ world. Sometimes it is good...

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Its PLAY time!

Its PLAY time!

We hear time and again how critical play is for the healthy development of our children. Play enables children to learn through their senses, to develop their motor skills and to activate their...

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The power of playdough

The power of playdough

Children are naturally curious and will therefore want to explore anything we put in front of them. A fantastic activity for little fingers is playdough, as it enhances many different areas of...

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Pipe Cleaner Flowers

Pipe Cleaner Flowers

I can't believe it is May already and although it signals the beginning of the cold months, it also means that it is mother's day. Contrary to what all the shops believe, the only thing that I am...

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Reading to your Baby

Reading to your Baby

One of my fondest memories as a child is of me sitting at bedtime with my Mom or Dad, and having them read me a bedtime story. I was thoroughly entertained as the stories came alive on my little bed...

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Finger Puppet Fun

Finger Puppet Fun

I remember playing with all sorts of various puppets when I was little and what I didn’t realise at the time (of course) is how hugely beneficial they were. Puppets enhance storytelling (they help...

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