Children learn best when all their senses are engaged. Learning our shapes can be taught not only through the visual and auditory senses, but also through touch, creativity and movement. Play Dough...

Cork and cotton bud painting
This week we’ve been exploring with cotton bud painting and corks to create a colourful circus picture with dots in different ways. Cotton bud and cork painting is wonderful and a great way to help...
The power of playdough
Children are naturally curious and will therefore want to explore anything we put in front of them. A fantastic activity for little fingers is playdough, as it enhances many different areas of...
Why massage your baby?
Baby massage can be described as loving, nurturing touch - a warm and gentle interaction between parent and baby, and a way of expressing love. Massage is relaxing and enjoyable for both, it...
Messy Play. Quick and Easy.
Come on moms, break out and allow your little ones to experience some real messy play. I decided to colour some of my food items red to play on the Valentines theme. Messy play is so important for...
A fun use for disposable doctor’s gloves.
One of the things that I absolutely love about doing activities with my children, is thinking of new and different ways to use everyday items. I have come to learn that almost everything has an...
Saturday Night is Pizza Night
I am sure that I am not the only one out there who has children who love pizza. In fact when we go out to eat it is almost always the first thing that my little ones request and so I thought that...
Stimulating the Visual Sense with Rainbows
To me there is nothing that symbolises spring time quite like a rainbow (barring the new flowers, green gardens and warmer temperatures of course). When those first afternoon showers arrive, giving...
Encouraging Creativity through the Senses
Sensory activities and creativity are literally a match made in heaven. Just think about when your children create a painting for example. They are able to see the colours, smell the paint and feel...
Letting Our Noses Lead the Way
So often when we hear the words Sensory Play we only think of touch. Allowing our children to squelch mud through their fingers; slide fingers dipped in paint across a page or feel all the different...
Sensory play with Snow Sand
It is no secret that I hate sand. No, hate is not too strong a word in this case; in fact it might not be strong enough. I would choose the countryside over the sea side any day and the thought of...