“From early on, movement is associated with better cognitive outcome, and gross motor activity has an impact on learning as well as fine motor function,” says Nicole Hilburn, Peadiatric...

Obstacle course adventures
Obstacle courses are great fun for kids and can keep them occupied for hours, especially if you make them part of the planning and preparations. They absolutely love being involved in this...
6 Fun tin games for the holidays
This week I decided to play a few tin games with my children. I often use tin games in both my Clamber Club Sports classes and at our Parties and these are always such a hit. Tins are items we...
#3 Questions to Ask Your Child Every Night
I often wonder how to foster open communication with my little girl as she gets older. Of course now she is too little and hardly talks, but when she starts going to playschool and then onto primary...
Tot technology
The truth about too much screen time for your child Why setting technology boundaries is essential for your child’s brain development Technology has transformed the way we live, work, shop...
Having a ball!
A ball is one of the best and most indispensable of toys! Ball games can develop many different skills, and are a never ending source of fun for almost any baby, toddler or pre- schooler. Liz Senior...
By Liz Senior of Clamber Club What is balance? Balance is the ability to maintain your equilibrium in relation to the force of gravity. This could be when you are in a static position, or when you...
Nothing Like a Bit of Outdoor Free Play
When it comes to stimulating your children’s senses you really don’t need to look much further than the great outdoors. Our local parks and open spaces are filled with jungle gyms, flora and fauna...
There is Nothing Magical about Sleep Deprivation
I really didn’t feel great today. My eldest daughter is back at school after a month long holiday and a week of early wake ups, a busy daily routine and a yucky bug has meant that I have not been in...
Almost Summertime Garden Obstacle Course
The weather has started warming up and despite it technically still being winter it is a beautiful 25 degrees and sunny. So, what better way to spend a public holiday than outdoors with some friends...
Having Fun with Balancing Hangers
My eldest daughter has become obsessed with balance lately. She often comes home from school telling me that she has a great sense of balance and that she and her friends practice walking on the...
Balancing Robots
When it comes to practising balancing skills with our children I am sure that most of us automatically think of more gross motor activities like egg and spoon races, balance beams, climbing on...
Egg and Spoon Races
When we talk about balance with regards to our children most of us automatically think of things like our children walking on balance beams or the edges of flowerbeds. My 4 year old daughter has...
Jog The Frog Says
I remember playing this game (more commonly known as Simon Says) when I was a child and like most children, I was completely unaware of how beneficial it was to my Body Awareness development....