Children love toys, and the correct toys can help in our children’s development. Toys can help build creativity, imagination, gross motor, and fine motor skills and of course, can provide limitless...

Why playing with soft toys is important for a young child – REABOKA SOFT TOYS
Playing with soft toys has a whole host of benefits for children. Young children very often use their soft toys to project their feelings and then they use them for comfort. Soft toys teach children...
Online classes in the comfort of your own home
Exciting news! Clamber Club is running interactive, dynamic and entertaining online classes! This means your children can continue to move, learn, grow and develop…. AND they won’t miss out on their...
Simple activities to keep the kids busy this summer
Sometimes we try too hard to keep our kids busy, with arranged play dates, visits to the zoo and the restaurant with the play area and jungle gym. However, sometimes all they need is quality time...
Jog the Frog goes to uShaka Marine World
During the holidays we took our 2-year-old son to uShaka Marine world for the first time and it was well worth it! The day gave my son a chance to get out the house, have a good walk around while...
Vegetable gardens: fun, messy and productive!!
Having 2 boys I learnt early on that getting dirty= FUN & HAPPINESS!! They loved jumping in muddy puddles and driving their trucks in the dirt and playing in the sand- the messier it was the...
Teamwork in the Transkei – A wonderful seaside menu
My family joined friends for a holiday at the Wildcoast in early December. The wonderful thing about going on holiday with others is that you have the opportunity to learn new ways of...
Having fun while washing the dogs
One thing is for sure that when my husband mentions he needs to wash the dogs, both my children jump for joy and get into helper mode. First things first, they get on their swimming costumes,...
Messy Play. Quick and Easy.
Come on moms, break out and allow your little ones to experience some real messy play. I decided to colour some of my food items red to play on the Valentines theme. Messy play is so important for...
Saved by Cake and some Dr. Seuss
Saved by Cake by Marian Keyes I love to read. Thrillers, suspense, murder mysteries, chick lit, sci fi. I enjoy it all. However as a busy mom trying to juggle work, lift schemes, extra murals and...
Yoghurt Ice-Lolly Surprises
My children have many favourite things, but two of their absolute bests would have to be yoghurt and ice-lollies, so we decided to combine the two and make our own frozen yoghurt ice-lollies. We...
Climb to the top with Clamber Club
Making the decision to start your own business and become financially independent is never an easy task, which is why Clamber Club’s training and proven franchise package is there to help every step...
Planning the perfect birthday party
In the almost 5 years since I have become a mom I have come to learn that birthday parties are a pretty big deal to little people. In fact, when my daughter turned four she believed that she was...