Surely, with how the world we live in is changing, and with all of our technological advances, something as old fashioned as nursery rhymes should be a thing of the past? Toddlers now have access...

Tyrannosaurus Drip and Dinosaur A-Z-smart Kids
Tyrannosaurus Drip – Julia Donaldson & David Roberts A sweet and funny twist on the ugly duckling story of a duckbill dinosaur egg that lands himself in a Tyrannosaurus nest. This poor duckbill...
Make and do Science and Perfect Pets
Make and do Science When reading through the book Make and do Science, the one thing that stands out to myself, as well as my 6-year-old daughter, is the fact that it is very eye catching. The...
The ABCs of reading to your child
The connection between childhood reading and school readiness revealed. Reading to your child early on and often is not just an important bonding exercise – it lays the foundation for a...
Busy Farm By Rebecca Finn
Busy Farm is the new release from Campbell Books. It’s an 10 page board book which forms part of the Busy Book series with various themes. The one my son and I decided we would try is Busy Farm,...
Reading to your Baby
One of my fondest memories as a child is of me sitting at bedtime with my Mom or Dad, and having them read me a bedtime story. I was thoroughly entertained as the stories came alive on my little bed...
35 Activities to do With Your Baby….
I sometimes cannot help chuckling to myself… I’m always convinced that after 9 weeks of term, the moms would be happy for the holiday break that is fast approaching. But more times than not, there...
Stirred But Not Shaken and Noisy Farm
Stirred But Not Shaken by Keith Floyd This past weekend I finished reading a book that I can’t wait to share with you. Like many South Africans of my generation, I have grown up with numerous...
James Herriot and Pip and Posey
James Herriot The James Herriot series of books is not new and so I am hoping that readers won’t be disappointed by my choosing to review these books this month. I had actually temporarily forgotten...
The Mindfulness Colouring Book and Fancy Nancy
The Mindfulness Colouring Book: Anti-Stress Art Therapy for Busy People - Emma Farrarons A short while ago I was visiting my mother and she excitedly told me about a new trend that had emerged,...
Making Finn and Dog-a-pult
Making Finn - Susan Newham I first came across Susan Newham on Parent 24 when I was pregnant with my first child. Like many first time moms-to-be I craved information from other moms who had already...
Call the Midwife and Ping Pong Pig
Call the Midwife - Jennifer Worth At first glance most people may ask why I am reviewing a tv series however I assure you I am not. It was during one of the more inconvenient bouts of load shedding...