This is a fantastic, stimulating, fun and educational activity that you can do this holiday with your children. To download the movement dice click on this link to our google drive account -...

Cork and cotton bud painting
This week we’ve been exploring with cotton bud painting and corks to create a colourful circus picture with dots in different ways. Cotton bud and cork painting is wonderful and a great way to help...
20 Things to do before you’re 10!
Creating bucket lists should not be just for adults. Children love doing activities and working through lists so combined combine these and make a bucket list. This will give your child a sense of...
DIY heavy ball and a light balls
Playing with different weight and textured balls is a fun way to teach the mathematical concept of heavy and light and to stimulate the sense of touch. Why not make your own! What you will need: 2...
Obstacle course adventures
Obstacle courses are great fun for kids and can keep them occupied for hours, especially if you make them part of the planning and preparations. They absolutely love being involved in this...
DIY snow globe
During the school holidays we decided to do something festive in preparation for the festive season. I decided to do my own DIY snow globes and we had so much fun making them! They are really easy...
Making memories with your children
You don't need an extravagant vacation to make a lifetime of memories with your children. When my son was two years old we went on a family holiday to Portugal, he was very excited about going on a...
What childhood memories are made of!
Our family was recently invited on a weekend adventure to Underberg. Our trip started with an unexpected and terrifying obstacle course. The road to Underberg from Durban is not for the faint...
OT is equal to overnight trekking
We are very fortunate to be involved in the running of a family run lodge in Lesotho. We are able to spend school holidays there, where our children can be one with nature. During the holidays, we...
Easter funtivities!
With Easter fast approaching, I've been scouring Pinterest for Easter-type activities to keep my three girls (aged 5, 3 and 1) busy and to get them in the mood for this important holiday in our...
Teamwork in the Transkei – A wonderful seaside menu
My family joined friends for a holiday at the Wildcoast in early December. The wonderful thing about going on holiday with others is that you have the opportunity to learn new ways of...
First holiday with baby – top tips
The thought of planning a holiday with your baby is just as nerve-wracking as packing for one, especially if it is the first time. The key is just to relax and enjoy the time away with your family....
Beach Hacks: Internet vs. real life
In this techno-savvy world where anything we want to know is at the click of a button, we often head to the Internet and just google what we need. As new moms, the web is a great resource for info,...
Jog goes to Namibia!
Our family and I recently took our 2 and 4 year old little girls on holiday to Namibia for a week. My 2 year old was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder at 9 months with her auditory and...
Busy Farm By Rebecca Finn
Busy Farm is the new release from Campbell Books. It’s an 10 page board book which forms part of the Busy Book series with various themes. The one my son and I decided we would try is Busy Farm,...
7 Active Play Activities for the Holidays
Childhood is a time where children develop bones, muscles, nerves, and physical skills, resulting in coordination and endurance. When most adults think of being physically active, they...
35 Activities to do With Your Baby….
I sometimes cannot help chuckling to myself… I’m always convinced that after 9 weeks of term, the moms would be happy for the holiday break that is fast approaching. But more times than not, there...
Easter Baking: Easter Egg Rice Krispie “nests”
Easter is not only a special religious holiday in our home, but it also means holiday time to spend some quality time with the family. I have fond memories of all the egg treats over Easter from...