Clamber Club Blog
10 Fun bean bag activities

10 Fun bean bag activities

Bean Bags are a FUN and inexpensive prop that can be used for many different activities to develop gross motor skills, body awareness and sensory play. Sew about 10 bean bags together in different...

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Cork and cotton bud painting

Cork and cotton bud painting

This week we’ve been exploring with cotton bud painting and corks to create a colourful circus picture with dots in different ways. Cotton bud and cork painting is wonderful and a great way to help...

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Funky noodles

Funky noodles

Do it yourself handy crafts, an easy way to entertain your little one’s at home. Sometimes we forget how easy it is to use everyday things we have in the house for crafts. Today we decided that...

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How to make water colour paint

How to make water colour paint

We absolutely love painting in our home! We paint just about every day. Water paints are great especially with smaller children, they are relatively easy to clean up and there is far less mess than...

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Balloon Painting

Balloon Painting

I am not sure that there are many children out there who don’t like getting their hands covered in paint! My class absolutely love it and messy play is always such a hit!   After thinking about...

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