Imagine trying a very simple exercise with your little one, where you could tackle various concepts such as colours, counting, numbers and fine motor all in one. You can vary this exercise depending...

Learning Series – Matching our Colours … and learning the rules of the road!
Learning our colours is a right of passage and something we all teach our children from a young age. Toddlers learn their colours best when learning through association. The green apple, the red...
10 Fun bean bag activities
Bean Bags are a FUN and inexpensive prop that can be used for many different activities to develop gross motor skills, body awareness and sensory play. Sew about 10 bean bags together in different...
Cork and cotton bud painting
This week we’ve been exploring with cotton bud painting and corks to create a colourful circus picture with dots in different ways. Cotton bud and cork painting is wonderful and a great way to help...
Spray painting fun with food colouring
If you need a great activity to keep your children entertained, then this is the one! My children just loved spraying the food colouring and water mixture onto large pieces of paper (and all over...
Funky noodles
Do it yourself handy crafts, an easy way to entertain your little one’s at home. Sometimes we forget how easy it is to use everyday things we have in the house for crafts. Today we decided that...
How to make water colour paint
We absolutely love painting in our home! We paint just about every day. Water paints are great especially with smaller children, they are relatively easy to clean up and there is far less mess than...
Balloon Painting
I am not sure that there are many children out there who don’t like getting their hands covered in paint! My class absolutely love it and messy play is always such a hit! After thinking about...
Glitter Covered Scissor Holder
We all have that one item in our homes that we have copious amounts of however, when we need them we can never seem to find them! In our house its craft scissors! My daughter, Vivienne now 5...
Coloured Water Tic-Tac-Toe
Being a teacher and a mom I am always looking for fun, educational games to play with my class and my children. Today I decided that for our lots to learn activity, we were going to play tic tact...
Great Toys November 2015
Seaside Sidekicks Sand Baking Set (3+ years) Make fabulous mudpies and sandcakes with this sea-creature inspired "baking" set. Young chefs will love using the shell-shaped measuring cups,...
Stimulating the Visual Sense with Rainbows
To me there is nothing that symbolises spring time quite like a rainbow (barring the new flowers, green gardens and warmer temperatures of course). When those first afternoon showers arrive, giving...
Spring Time Sensory Fun with Colour Swatches
I have always loved the changing of the seasons. Mother nature is amazing and it is incredible to see how the leaves change colour in the autumn; the icy frost and dry crisp air in the winter; the...
Great Toys – May 2015
Basic Skills Board This wooden bear is always smiling, but he's happiest when fully dressed! Getting dressed won't be such a puzzle once zipping, buckling, snapping, lacing and tying, and other...