Imagine trying a very simple exercise with your little one, where you could tackle various concepts such as colours, counting, numbers and fine motor all in one. You can vary this exercise depending...

Salt dough ornaments
I have always enjoyed making these with my kids, and now that my daughter is 7 and reading, I found it top be such a wonderful experience with her! Vivienne could read out and measure the...
Cork and cotton bud painting
This week we’ve been exploring with cotton bud painting and corks to create a colourful circus picture with dots in different ways. Cotton bud and cork painting is wonderful and a great way to help...
Colourful Fun with Sensory Rice
We all love buying and receiving new toys for our babies. But have your ever noticed how the wrapping paper, box or plastic is usually far more entertaining than the contents themselves? I’m not...
5 Fun holiday activities
After being through long holidays with bored children in the past, I decided to do some research on activities to do with them that stimulates the senses as well as keep them busy for more than 2...
Spray painting fun with food colouring
If you need a great activity to keep your children entertained, then this is the one! My children just loved spraying the food colouring and water mixture onto large pieces of paper (and all over...
The power of playdough
Children are naturally curious and will therefore want to explore anything we put in front of them. A fantastic activity for little fingers is playdough, as it enhances many different areas of...
Learning about shapes – make a star picture
Children love being given creative license to change a plain piece of paper into one filled with colour! There are many ways to encourage and help your child to learn about shapes. Because shapes...
Easter funtivities!
With Easter fast approaching, I've been scouring Pinterest for Easter-type activities to keep my three girls (aged 5, 3 and 1) busy and to get them in the mood for this important holiday in our...
Funky noodles
Do it yourself handy crafts, an easy way to entertain your little one’s at home. Sometimes we forget how easy it is to use everyday things we have in the house for crafts. Today we decided that...
Finger painting for the different ages
One thing is for sure, that when I mention a creative activity to my children, they both get super excited. However, with their different ages, I sometimes find it difficult to come up with an...
Balloon Painting
I am not sure that there are many children out there who don’t like getting their hands covered in paint! My class absolutely love it and messy play is always such a hit! After thinking about...
Coloured Water Tic-Tac-Toe
Being a teacher and a mom I am always looking for fun, educational games to play with my class and my children. Today I decided that for our lots to learn activity, we were going to play tic tact...
Great Toys – October 2015
Melissa and Doug Farm Touch and Feel Puzzle 18+ Months Feel the wooly lamb and the feathery duck...just two of the exciting textures to explore on these animal-shaped puzzle pieces! The four wooden...
Painting Fun with Shapes
Those people who know me, know that I LOVE to paint and if I could have my way I would spend my days in an art studio churning out canvas after canvas (and occasionally sipping on champagne). As you...
Feed the Lego Monsters
When I was growing up Lego was one of my favourite toys to play with (and still is for that matter) and so I am delighted at how enthusiastic my little ones are when I pull out the giant tub of...
Handprint Paintings
I am not sure that there are many children out there who don’t like getting their hands covered in paint! My absolutely love it and so when I am feeling a bit brave I like to whip out a stack of...